Sunday, July 25, 2010

For those that like Weezer

Weezer opened up (a band ma and pa) for the Peas in Halifax - The lead singer came and stood on the table next to us and sang for 25,000 - was pretty neat to see.


  1. I KNOW who Weezer is. It rhymes with geezer. I'm even more familiar with geezers.
    Looks like Nova Scotia is a nice place. Is the weather okay?
    Rode my bike down to Monterey yesterday and drove back up today. Left at 7 am and got there at 7 pm. Long time on a bike seat. Ellen is coming Friday and will drive the car back Sunday.

  2. Very cool bro, Weezer kicks ass I get tons of their songs from Rapsody. We are up in Big Bear still, relaxing and staying cool. Keep posting the pics.
